Our Policies
Code of Behaviour
Student Code of Conduct
Rossbourne School is committed to ensuring a respectful learning environment that is safe, positive and supportive for all students of the School.
It is the intention of Rossbourne School to provide clear guidelines to all students regarding the conduct expected of them whilst at School, engaging in School related activities or representing the School. Students are expected to uphold the School’s core values at all times.
This Code applies to all Rossbourne School students. The application of this Code is not limited to the School site and School hours. It extends to all activities and events that are school-related and when representing or acting on behalf of the School. The Code also requires that student actions do not bring the School into disrepute at any time regardless of whether the action occurs within or outside of School activities.
Conduct and Bearing of All Students
It is expected that every student will:
- uphold the School’s core values at all times;
- behave in a manner that does not endanger the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves or others;
- abide by all health and safety rules and procedures operating within the School and other locations at which the students may visit;
- ensure that their actions do not bring the School into disrepute;
- uphold the reputation of the School by observing an appropriate standard of behaviour in transit to and from the School and when wearing School uniform;
- respect the authority of members of staff and observe School rules as required;
- strictly adhere to the School’s policies and procedures as required;
- be respectful and supportive of the School’s beliefs and values;
- behave with courtesy and consideration for others. In particular, students must refrain from all forms of bullying and harassment. See also: Anti-bullying Policy – Students;
- refrain from behaviour which would interrupt the work of any class or hinder the learning opportunities of other students;
- refrain from activities, conduct or communication that would reasonably be seen to undermine the reputation of the School, staff or students of the School (including activities on social media);
- respect School property and the property of staff, contractors, visitors and other students;
- be punctual and attend all classes;
- remain in the School grounds during the School day unless otherwise approved by the relevant staff member;
- complete work set by teachers promptly and to the best of their ability and to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered at the School;
- dress neatly and with due regard for health, hygiene and safety in accordance with the School’s uniform requirements;
- students cannot possess weapons - including knives, lighters, or smoke cigarettes, e-cigarettes, possess or use or be under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs or other substances harmful to health, at School, on School excursions, in transit between School and home or otherwise while wearing School uniform.
Unacceptable Conduct
Unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to:
- touching, handling, pushing or otherwise physically or sexually engaging with students or others in a manner which is not appropriate and may endanger the health, safety and wellbeing of that person;
- any form of physical or verbal violence including fighting, assault or threats of violence;
- any form of cyber bullying or cyber abuse,
- sending inappropriate, offensive or explicit text messages, photos or videos;
- gambling of any form (both on-line gambling and in person) during school time, whilst undertaking school activities or whilst wearing the school uniform;
- language or conduct which is likely to offend, harass, bully or unfairly discriminate against any student, teacher, contractor or visitor;
- theft, fraud or misuse of School resources;
- the use of inappropriate or profane words or gestures and images;
- unacceptable class attendance levels;
It is expected that all students will report any cases to a staff member (in confidence) of unlawful behaviour or behaviour in breach of this conduct which may have been observed or reported to them.
Students who breach the Code of Conduct may be sanctioned by the observing teacher, as deemed appropriate given the nature of the breach and the age of the student.
Students who continue to breach the Code will be interviewed by the relevant School Section Co-ordinator. Appropriate action, which may include behavioural contracts, detention and mediation and is at the discretion of the School Section Co-ordinator.
School Section Co-ordinators may refer the matter to the Principal, who has full discretion to take action including suspension or expulsion as deemed appropriate.
In accordance with applicable legislation and the School’s Child Protection Policy, the Police and/or Department of Human and Health Services will be informed of any unlawful breaches of this Code.
Related Policies
- Child Safety Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy – Students
- Student ICT Responsible Use Policy
This policy was last ratified by the Rossbourne School Council, 16th April 2020
Community Code of Conduct
Rossbourne School is committed to the provision of a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for all members of the school community. This Code of Conduct is intended to guide all members of the school community, including parents/carers, in recognising and respecting their own rights and responsibilities as well as those of all other members of the school community. This Code is not limited to the school site and school hours. It extends to all activities and events that are school-related.
To view the Code of Conduct School Community click here
To view the Student Behaviour Management & Discipline Policy click here