
Keep up-to-date with the latest from our school.

2023  - a detailed look into our student attendance, pathways and financial reporting.

Please find attached a document that our Child Safety Committee has produced for our school community. Keeping our community safe is our priority at Rossbourne.

After a thorough process of evaluation, analysis, and significant staff collaboration and feedback, Rossbourne are very pleased to announce that the first phase of our curriculum review process has resulted in finalising our Student Development and Wellbeing Charter.  To view the document click here.

In 2023, Rossbourne took a big leap forward in the development and support of our students towards thinking and acting globally.

Pebble 2024


The Rossbourne Pebble magazine for 2024 is now available online.

Check out the Winter 2023, Rossbourne Report.

2022  - a detailed look into our student attendance, pathways and financial reporting.


Rossbourne's new Mulit-purpose Performing Arts Centre.

A space for learning, discovery and possibility.

Check out What's on @ Rossbourne.

Check out the Autumn 2023, Rossbourne Report.

Following advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer and the Department of Education and Training, the following guidelines are in place at Rossbourne School from 13th October 2022

Check out the Spring 2022, Rossbourne Report.

Check out the Winter 2022, Rossbourne Report.

2021  - a detailed look into our student attendance, pathways and financial reporting.

Check out the latest from Rossbourne School year levels and our Principal with the latest edition of the Rossbourne Report.

Check out the latest from Rossbourne School year levels, our Principal and Parents Association with the latest edition of the Rossbourne Report.

Rossbourne School is proud to present our new digital platform designed to help existing and prospective members of our Rossbourne community informed and engaged with us.

Check out the Winter 2021, Rossbourne Report.

One of Rossbourne’s strategic objectives is to move from a five year education program, to a six year educational program.

Our community continues to thrive and we look forward to embracing the future and developing the life chances of our students as they move towards adulthood.